New TCIA Dataset Page

[…] TCIA data publishers! The following information describes the process for […]


DOI: 10.7937/ERZ5-QZ59 | Image Collection

Background: The functional and biological properties of the tumor microenvironment are fundamentally important determinants of tumor response and therapy outcome in cancer.  Oxygenation status and vascularity are known to influence radiation response, and molecular energy metabolism and proliferation, modulate risk of disease recurrence and metastatic progression.  However, with the...

[…] microenvironment are fundamentally important determ inants of tumor response and […]

Research Activities Page

[…] TCIA’s Research Activities The follow ing links describe specialized research […]

PROSTATEx-2 featured image


DOI: 10.7937/K9TCIA.2017.MURS5CL | Image Collection

PROSTATEx has been superseded by PI-CAI: 

The ProstateX dataset (both training and testing cases) have been included in the PI-CAI Public Training and Development dataset. As such, ProstateX as a benchmark has been deprecated and is superseded by the PI-CAI challenge. PI-CAI is an all-new grand challenge, with over 10,000 carefully-curated prostate MRI exams to validate modern AI algorithms and estimate...

[…] and testing cases) have been included in the PI-CAI Public […]


DOI: 10.7937/E4WT-CD02 | Image Collection

Breast cancer is among the most common cancers and a common cause of death among women. Over 39 million breast cancer screening exams are performed every year and are among the most common radiological tests. This creates a high need for accurate image interpretation. Machine learning has shown promise in interpretation of medical images. However, limited data for training and validation remains an issue.


[…] high need for accurate image interpretation. Machine learning has shown […]


DOI: 10.7937/TCIA.2020.FQN0-0326 | Image Collection

We have used CODEX to image 56 proteins simultaneously in 140 tissue regions from the tumor invasive front of 35 advanced-stage colorectal cancer (CRC) patients (17 patients with Crohn's-like reaction (CLR) - leading to high amount of tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS); and 18 patients with diffuse inflammatory infiltration (DII) and no TLS). These patients were selected from an initial cohort of 715 CRC patients....

[…] CODEX to image 56 prote ins simultaneously in 140 tissue […]


DOI: 10.7937/K9/TCIA.2016.QHsyhJKy | Image Collection

This collection contains longitudinal DCE MRI studies of 64 patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) for invasive breast cancer. 

Patient population

This pilot study to investigate the use of serial DCE MRI examinations during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for invasive breast cancer recruited 68 patients with stage II or III locally advanced breast cancer enrolled between...

[…] undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) for invasive breast cancer.  Patient population […]


DOI: 10.7937/TCIA.9CJF-0127 | Image Collection

In this study, 200 digital whole-slide images are published which were collected via hematoxylin-eosin stained colorectal biopsy. This dataset contains the raw MIRAX (mrxs) formatted data. The samples were selected from the archives of the 2nd Department of Pathology of Semmelweis University, Budapest and were scanned with a 3DHistech Pannoramic 1000 Digital Slide Scanner at the highest available, 40x magnification....

Summary In this study, 200 digital whole-slide images are published […]