MU-Glioma-Post | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 203 | Segmentation, Demographic, Diagnosis, Molecular Test, Treatment, Follow-Up, Other, Measurement, Radiomic Feature | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2025/03/21 |
CPTAC-HNSCC | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 207 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, CT, MR, PT | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics, Microarray | Limited | Ongoing | 2025/02/26 |
CPTAC-PDA | Ductal Adenocarcinoma | Pancreas | Human | 168 | MR, CT, US, PT, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2025/02/26 |
BCBM-RadioGenomics | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 165 | MR, Segmentation, Radiomic Feature, Demographic, Molecular Test, Other | radiomic features, Clinical | Public | Complete | 2025/01/28 |
CMB-AML | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | Blood | Human | 9 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, CT, MR, XA | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/19 |
RADCURE | Oropharyngeal Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 3,346 | CT, RTSTRUCT, Other, Demographic, Diagnosis, Exposure, Follow-Up, Treatment | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2024/12/19 |
CMB-BRCA | Breast Invasive Carcinoma | Breast | Human | 26 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, CT | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/17 |
CMB-LCA | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 97 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, CT, PT, MR, NM, DX, US | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/17 |
CMB-MEL | Melanoma | Various | Human | 53 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, CT, PT, US, MR | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/17 |
CMB-MML | Multiple Myeloma | Blood, Bone | Human | 89 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, MR, PT, CT, XA, DX, CR | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/17 |
CMB-PCA | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 30 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, MR, PT, CT, NM, RF, DX | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/17 |
VAREPOP-APOLLO | Esophageal Carcinoma, Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Lung Adenocarcinoma, Lung Other, Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Thymoma | Esophagus, Lung, Pancreas, Thymus | Human | 32 | CT, MR, PT, Diagnosis | | Public | Ongoing | 2024/12/06 |
AHEP0731 | Hepatoblastoma | Liver | Human | 190 | CT, US, MR, PT, XA | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2024/10/30 |
RPA-Head-and-Neck-Lymph-Nodes | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 46 | CT, RTSTRUCT, Other | | Limited | Complete | 2024/10/23 |
Healthy-Total-Body-CTs | Non-Cancer | Whole body | Human | 30 | CT, Segmentation, Demographic | Clinical, Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2024/09/27 |
Spine-Mets-CT-SEG | Metastatic disease, Bladder Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Soft-tissue Sarcoma, Skin Cancer | Bone | Human | 55 | Demographic, Follow-Up, Classification, CT, SEG | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2024/09/25 |
BraTS-Africa | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 146 | MR, Segmentation, Diagnosis, Other | | Public | Complete | 2024/09/04 |
CMB-CRC | Colorectal Cancer | Colon | Human | 54 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, CT, DX, US, PT, MR, NM, XA | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/08/28 |
CMB-GEC | Gastroesophageal Cancer | Esophagus | Human | 12 | PT, CT, MR, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/08/28 |
CMB-OV | Ovarian Cancer | Ovary | Human | 14 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/08/28 |
Mediastinal-Lymph-Node-SEG | Various, Breast Cancer, Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Small Cell Lung Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Adenocarcinoma, Melanoma, Head and Neck Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Mesothelioma, Ovarian Cancer, Colon Cancer | Lymph Node | Human | 513 | Demographic, Diagnosis, CT, SEG | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2024/08/28 |
DFCI-BCH-BWH-PEDs-HGG | High Grade Glioma, Diffuse Midline Glioma | Brain | Human | 61 | MR, Other | | Public | Complete | 2024/07/16 |
CPTAC-GBM | Glioblastoma Multiforme | Brain | Human | 200 | MR, CT, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Limited | Ongoing | 2024/07/08 |
RIDER Lung CT | Lung Cancer | Chest | Human | 32 | CT, SEG, Measurement | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2024/06/25 |
HistologyHSI-GB | Glioblastoma | Brain | Human | 13 | Histopathology, Classification | Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2024/05/24 |
HNSCC | Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Head-Neck | Human | 627 | Other, CT, PT, RTPLAN, RTSTRUCT, RTDOSE, MR, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Treatment, Demographic, Exposure | Clinical, Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2024/05/15 |
CPTAC-CCRCC | Clear Cell Carcinoma | Kidney | Human | 262 | CT, MR, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2024/05/10 |
HNC-IMRT-70-33 | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 211 | CT, RTSTRUCT, RTDOSE, RTPLAN, Other | | Limited | Complete | 2024/05/06 |
CPTAC-CM | Cutaneous Melanoma | Skin | Human | 95 | MR, CT, PT, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2024/04/29 |
Advanced-MRI-Breast-Lesions | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 632 | MR, SEG, Histopathology, Molecular Test, Classification, Demographic | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2024/04/15 |
CPTAC-LSCC | Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Lung | Human | 212 | CT, PT, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2024/04/05 |
CPTAC-UCEC | Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma | Uterus | Human | 250 | CT, RTSTRUCT, MR, PT, US, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2024/04/05 |
Breast-Cancer-Screening-DBT | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 5,060 | MG, Classification, Radiomic Feature, Measurement, Other | Clinical, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2024/01/18 |
Breast-Lesions-USG | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 256 | US, Segmentation, Radiomic Feature, Classification, Diagnosis, Follow-Up | Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2024/01/08 |
Pretreat-MetsToBrain-Masks | Breast Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer, Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Melanoma | Brain | Human | 200 | MR, Segmentation, Demographic, Diagnosis, Measurement, Follow-Up | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2023/12/19 |
HE-vs-MPM | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 12 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Multiphoton | | Public | Complete | 2023/12/08 |
Prostate-MRI-US-Biopsy | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 1,151 | MR, US, Classification, Measurement, Other | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2023/10/20 |
AML-Cytomorphology_MLL_Helmholtz | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | Blood | Human | 189 | Histopathology, Single-cell Image, Demographic, Measurement, Diagnosis | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/10/13 |
EA1141 | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 500 | MR, MG, CT, Follow-Up, Demographic, Other | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/10/02 |
ReMIND | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 114 | MR, SEG, US, Segmentation, Demographic, Histopathology, Molecular Test, Follow-Up, Classification | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/09/26 |
HNSCC-mIF-mIHC-comparison | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 8 | Histopathology, Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry | Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2023/08/31 |
CT-Phantom4Radiomics | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 1 | CT, SEG | Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2023/08/23 |
Vestibular-Schwannoma-MC-RC | Vestibular Schwannoma (non-cancer) | Ear | Human | 124 | MR, Segmentation, Other | | Public | Complete | 2023/08/23 |
Breast-MRI-NACT-Pilot | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 64 | MR, SEG, Demographic, Diagnosis, Molecular Test, Follow-Up, Treatment, Measurement, Other | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2023/08/07 |
TCGA-GBM | Glioblastoma Multiforme | Brain | Human | 262 | MR, CT, DX | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses, Histopathology | Limited | Complete | 2023/08/07 |
PTRC-HGSOC | High grade serous ovarian cancer | Ovary | Human | 174 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Diagnosis, Demographic | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/08/03 |
PDMR-Texture-Analysis | Adenocarcinoma of colon, Adenocarcinoma of pancreas, Adenocarcinoma of rectum, Ewing sarcoma - Peripheral PNET, Melanoma, Neuroendocrine cancer (NOS), Osteosarcoma, Squamous cell carcinoma of anus, Squamous cell carcinoma of lung, Urothelial - bladder cancer (NOS) | Arm, Bladder, Buttock, Colon, Liver, Myometrium, Pancreas, Rectum, Shoulder, Scapula | Mouse | 175 | MR, SR, Protocol, Demographic, Follow-Up, Diagnosis, Other | | Public | Complete | 2023/06/14 |
RHUH-GBM | Astrocytoma | Head | Human | 40 | MR, Segmentation, Treatment, Demographic, Molecular Test, Measurement | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Limited | Complete | 2023/06/09 |
CODEX imaging of HCC | Hepatocellular carcinoma | Liver | Human | 15 | Histopathology, CODEX images, Whole Slide Image, Diagnosis, Demographic, Measurement, Treatment | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/05/30 |
RIDER Pilot | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 8 | CT, CR, DX | | Public | Complete | 2023/05/24 |
S0819 | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 1,299 | CT, PT, MR, SC, NM | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2023/05/24 |
TCGA-HNSC | Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Head-Neck | Human | 227 | CT, PT, MR, RTDOSE, RTSTRUCT, RTPLAN, OT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Limited | Complete | 2023/05/24 |
Prostate-Anatomical-Edge-Cases | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 131 | CT, RTSTRUCT | | Public | Complete | 2023/05/18 |
Adrenal-ACC-Ki67-Seg | Adrenocortical Carcinoma | Adrenal | Human | 53 | CT, SEG, Demographic, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Measurement | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2023/05/15 |
CPTAC-SAR | Sarcomas | Abdomen, Arm, Bladder, Chest, Head-Neck, Kidney, Leg, Retroperitoneum, Stomach, Uterus | Human | 88 | MR, CT, US, PT, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2023/05/10 |
Ovarian Bevacizumab Response | Ovarian Cancer | Ovary | Human | 78 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Follow-Up, Measurement, Treatment, Exposure, Demographic, Diagnosis | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/04/26 |
Colorectal-Liver-Metastases | Colorectal Cancer | Colon | Human | 197 | CT, SEG, Demographic, Measurement, Treatment | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/04/25 |
Burdenko-GBM-Progression | Glioblastoma | Brain | Human | 180 | CT, MR, RTPLAN, RTDOSE, RTSTRUCT, Molecular Test, Demographic, Follow-Up | Clinical, Genomics, Software/Source Code | Limited | Complete | 2023/04/10 |
Prostate Fused-MRI-Pathology | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 28 | MR, Histopathology, Other, Measurement | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2023/04/10 |
UCSF-PDGM | Diffuse Glioma | Brain | Human | 495 | MR, Measurement, Other, Demographic, Follow-Up, Diagnosis, Molecular Test, Classification | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2023/04/07 |
LDCT-and-Projection-data | Various | Head, Chest, Abdomen | Human | 299 | CT, Other, Protocol, Demographic, Diagnosis, Measurement | Clinical, Software/Source Code | Limited | Complete | 2023/04/03 |
CT Lymph Nodes | Lymphadenopathy (non-cancer) | Abdomen, Mediastinum | Human | 176 | CT, SEG, Measurement, Other, Segmentation | Image Analyses, Organ segmentations | Public | Complete | 2023/03/31 |
ExACT | Anal Cancer | Anus | Human | 30 | MR, Diagnosis, Other | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2023/03/30 |
Brain-TR-GammaKnife | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 47 | Other, MR, RTSTRUCT, RTDOSE, Segmentation, Demographic, Diagnosis | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Limited | Complete | 2023/03/21 |
PCa_Bx_3Dpathology | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 50 | Histopathology, Other, Follow-Up | Clinical, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2023/03/07 |
CPTAC-LUAD | Lung Adenocarcinoma | Lung | Human | 244 | CT, MR, PT, Histopathology | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2023/02/24 |
CC-Tumor-Heterogeneity | Cervical Cancer | Cervix | Human | 23 | MR, RTSTRUCT, REG, PT, CT, Follow-Up, Classification | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2023/02/23 |
Meningioma-SEG-CLASS | Meningioma | Brain, Spinal Cord | Human | 96 | MR, RTSTRUCT, Demographic, Diagnosis, Measurement | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2023/02/13 |
A091105 | Non-Cancer | Various | Human | 83 | MR, CT | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2023/02/10 |
UPENN-GBM | Glioblastoma | Brain | Human | 630 | MR, Molecular Test, Demographic, Radiomic Feature, Other, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Segmentation | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/10/24 |
ARAR0331 | Nasopharyngeal | Head | Human | 108 | MR, PT, CT, NM, RTIMAGE | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2022/10/21 |
Hungarian-Colorectal-Screening | Colorectal Cancer | Colon | Human | 200 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Demographic, Diagnosis | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/09/20 |
CTpred-Sunitinib-panNET | Pancreas Cancer | Pancreas | Human | 38 | CT, Demographic, Classification, Follow-Up, Molecular Test | | Public | Complete | 2022/09/12 |
CT-vs-PET-Ventilation-Imaging | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 20 | CT, PT, RWV, Measurement | | Public | Complete | 2022/08/25 |
Pancreatic-CT-CBCT-SEG | Pancreatic Cancer | Pancreas | Human | 40 | CT, RTSTRUCT, RTDOSE, Other | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/08/23 |
HCC-TACE-Seg | Hepatocellular carcinoma | Liver | Human | 105 | CT, SEG, Follow-Up, Molecular Test, Demographic, Exposure, Measurement, Treatment, Classification | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2022/08/17 |
PDMR-521955-158-R4 | Pancreatic adenocarcinoma | Abdomen | Mouse | 20 | SR, MR, Protocol | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2022/08/17 |
Duke-Breast-Cancer-MRI | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 922 | Segmentation, SEG, Other, Radiomic Feature, Measurement, Classification, Follow-Up, Treatment, MR | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/08/01 |
HER2 tumor ROIs | HER2+ Breast Cancer, Metastatic disease | Breast | Human | 273 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Follow-Up, Molecular Test, Measurement | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/08/01 |
GammaKnife-Hippocampal | Various, Non-Cancer | Head | Human | 390 | MR, RTDOSE, RTPLAN, RTSTRUCT, CT, REG | | Limited | Complete | 2022/07/22 |
GBM-DSC-MRI-DRO | Phantom | Brain Phantom | Human | 3 | MR, Other | | Public | Complete | 2022/07/21 |
PROSTATEx | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 346 | MR, Other, Classification | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/07/05 |
AHOD0831 | Hodgkin Lymphoma | Various | Human | 165 | CT, PT, MR, NM, CR, DX, SC, XA, OT | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2022/06/08 |
FDG-PET-CT-Lesions | Lymphoma, Melanoma, Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung, Lymph, Skin | Human | 900 | CT, PT, SEG, Demographic, Diagnosis | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Limited | Complete | 2022/06/02 |
ISPY2 | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 719 | Other, MR, SEG, Demographic, Molecular Test, Follow-Up, Treatment, Radiomic Feature, Measurement | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/05/02 |
StageII-Colorectal-CT | Colorectal Cancer | Abdomen, Pelvis | Human | 230 | CT | Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2022/04/11 |
AREN0532 | Wilms Tumor | Kidney | Human | 544 | CT, MR, US, RTIMAGE, PT, CR | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2022/03/31 |
Pediatric-CT-SEG | Non-Cancer | Various | Human | 359 | CT, RTSTRUCT | | Public | Complete | 2022/03/31 |
DLBCL-Morphology | Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma | Lymph Node | Human | 209 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Tissue Microarray, Follow-Up, Molecular Test, Immunohistochemistry, Diagnosis, Other | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2022/03/25 |
B-mode-and-CEUS-Liver | Liver Cancer | Liver | Human | 120 | US, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Treatment | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2022/02/18 |
AREN0533 | Wilms Tumor | Kidney | Human | 294 | CT, US, MR, CR | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2022/01/20 |
CATCH | Skin Cancer | Skin | Canine | 282 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Pathology Detail, Other | Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2022/01/12 |
CDD-CESM | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 326 | MG, Classification, Measurement, Segmentation, Demographic, Follow-Up | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2021/12/31 |
GLIS-RT | Glioblastoma, Astrocytoma, Low Grade Glioma | Brain | Human | 230 | CT, REG, RTSTRUCT, MR | | Limited | Complete | 2021/12/20 |
ACRIN-6698 | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 385 | MR, SEG, Demographic, Molecular Test, Classification, Follow-Up, Other | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2021/12/17 |
ACRIN-HNSCC-FDG-PET-CT | Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Head-Neck | Human | 260 | CT, PT, MR, NM, Demographic, Follow-Up, Classification, Measurement, Treatment, Diagnosis | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2021/11/23 |
Bone-Marrow-Cytomorphology_MLL_Helmholtz_Fraunhofer | Leukemia & Lymphoma Cancers | Marrow | Human | 945 | Histopathology, Photomicrograph | | Public | Complete | 2021/11/12 |
AREN0534 | Wilms Tumor | Kidney | Human | 239 | CT, MR, US, OT, PT | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2021/11/09 |
NADT-Prostate | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 37 | Histopathology, Diagnosis, Other | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/10/08 |
NLST | Lung Cancer, Non-Cancer | Chest | Human | 26,254 | CT, Histopathology, Tissue Microarray, Demographic, Diagnosis, Exposure, Measurement, Follow-Up, Other | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/09/24 |
REMBRANDT | Low & High Grade Glioma | Brain | Human | 130 | MR, Demographic, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Classification, Treatment | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2021/08/17 |
COVID-19-NY-SBU | COVID-19 (non-cancer) | Lung | Human | 1,384 | Other, Follow-Up, Treatment, Exposure, Molecular Test, CT, CR, DX, MR, SR, NM, PT, OT | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2021/08/11 |
PROSTATE-DIAGNOSIS | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 92 | MR, Treatment, Measurement, Classification, Segmentation | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2021/08/09 |
NSCLC Radiogenomics | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Chest | Human | 211 | Demographic, Exposure, Follow-Up, Treatment, Molecular Test, CT, PT, SEG, Classification, Measurement | Clinical, Image Analyses, Genomics | Public | Complete | 2021/06/01 |
CT Images in COVID-19 | COVID-19 (non-cancer) | Lung | Human | 661 | CT | | Public | Complete | 2021/05/25 |
ACNS0332 | Medulloblastoma | Head | Human | 85 | MR, CT | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2021/05/04 |
QIBA-CT-Liver-Phantom | Phantom | Liver Phantom | Human | 3 | CT | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2021/04/27 |
Pseudo-PHI-DICOM-Data | Various | Various | Human | 21 | Other, PT, CT, MG, MR, DX, CR | | Public | Complete | 2021/04/07 |
CMMD | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 1,775 | MG, Classification, Molecular Test, Demographic | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/04/06 |
CALGB50303 | Lymphoma | Various | Human | 155 | CT, PT, OT | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2021/03/30 |
Vestibular-Schwannoma-SEG | Vestibular Schwannoma (non-cancer) | Ear | Human | 242 | MR, RTDOSE, RTSTRUCT, RTPLAN, Other, Measurement, Radiomic Feature | Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2021/03/17 |
ACRIN-Contralateral-Breast-MR | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 984 | MR, CR, Demographic, Diagnosis, Other | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/03/05 |
PDMR-425362-245-T | Melanoma | Abdomen | Mouse | 20 | SR, MR, Other, Protocol | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/02/17 |
MIDRC-RICORD-1B | COVID-19 (non-cancer) | Lung | Human | 117 | CT, Classification, Demographic | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/02/05 |
CPTAC-BRCA | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 134 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2021/02/02 |
CPTAC-COAD | Colon Cancer | Colon | Human | 106 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2021/02/02 |
CPTAC-OV | Ovarian Cancer | Ovary | Human | 102 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics | Public | Ongoing | 2021/02/02 |
MIDRC-RICORD-1C | COVID-19 (non-cancer) | Lung | Human | 361 | DX, CR, Diagnosis, Classification, Demographic | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2021/01/15 |
ICDC-Glioma | Glioma | Head | Canine | 78 | MR, Histopathology, Whole Slide Image | Genomics | Public | Complete | 2021/01/12 |
Lung-PET-CT-Dx | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 355 | CT, PT, Radiomic Feature, Other, Demographic, Diagnosis, Exposure, Pathology Detail | Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2020/12/22 |
QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 15 | SEG, MR, SR | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/11/09 |
NSCLC-Radiomics | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 422 | CT, SEG, RTSTRUCT, Classification, Diagnosis, Demographic, Follow-Up | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Ongoing | 2020/10/22 |
PDMR-833975-119-R | Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma | Abdomen | Mouse | 20 | MR, SR, Protocol | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/10/05 |
Lung Phantom | Phantom | Lung Phantom | Human | 1 | CT | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/09/25 |
LIDC-IDRI | Lung Cancer, Non-Cancer, Metastatic disease | Chest | Human | 1,010 | DX, CT, CR, Measurement, Radiomic Feature, Diagnosis | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2020/09/21 |
QIN-HEADNECK | Head and Neck Carcinomas | Head-Neck | Human | 279 | Demographic, Exposure, Treatment, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Family History, CT, PT, SR, SEG, RWV | Clinical, Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2020/09/15 |
Pancreas-CT | Healthy Controls (non-cancer) | Pancreas | Human | 82 | CT, Segmentation | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/09/10 |
CPTAC-AML | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | Marrow, Blood | Human | 88 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Classification, Follow-Up, Demographic | Clinical | Public | Ongoing | 2020/09/03 |
NSCLC-Radiomics-Interobserver1 | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 22 | RTSTRUCT, CT, SEG, Demographic, Diagnosis | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/08/31 |
CRC_FFPE-CODEX_CellNeighs | Colorectal Cancer | Colon | Human | 35 | Histopathology, CODEX images, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Demographic | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/08/05 |
HEAD-NECK-RADIOMICS-HN1 | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 137 | CT, SEG, RTSTRUCT, PT, Demographic, Follow-Up, Other | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2020/07/29 |
AAPM-RT-MAC | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 55 | MR, RTSTRUCT | | Limited | Complete | 2020/07/20 |
COVID-19-AR | COVID-19 (non-cancer) | Lung | Human | 105 | CT, CR, DX, Demographic, Diagnosis, Other | Clinical, Genomics | Public | Ongoing | 2020/07/13 |
LGG-1p19qDeletion | Low Grade Glioma | Brain | Human | 159 | MR, SEG, Molecular Test, Diagnosis | Genomics, Segmentations | Limited | Complete | 2020/06/26 |
C4KC-KiTS | Kidney Cancer | Kidney | Human | 210 | CT, SEG, Demographic, Exposure, Measurement, Diagnosis, Treatment, Follow-Up | | Public | Complete | 2020/06/18 |
TCGA-BLCA | Bladder Endothelial Carcinoma | Bladder | Human | 120 | CT, CR, MR, PT, DX | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-BRCA | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 139 | MR, MG | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-CESC | Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Endocervical Adenocarcinoma | Cervix | Human | 54 | MR | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-COAD | Colon adenocarcinoma | Colon | Human | 25 | CT, OT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-ESCA | Esophageal Carcinoma | Esophagus | Human | 16 | CT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-KICH | Kidney Chromophobe | Kidney | Human | 15 | MR, CT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-KIRC | Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma | Kidney | Human | 267 | CT, MR, CR | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-KIRP | Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma | Kidney | Human | 33 | CT, MR, PT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-LGG | Low Grade Glioma | Brain | Human | 199 | MR, CT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology, Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-LIHC | Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma | Liver | Human | 97 | CT, MR, PT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-LUAD | Lung Adenocarcinoma | Chest | Human | 69 | PT, CT, NM | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-LUSC | Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Lung | Human | 37 | CT, PT, NM | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-OV | Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma | Ovary | Human | 143 | CT, MR, OT | Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-PRAD | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 14 | MR, CT, PT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-READ | Rectum Adenocarcinoma | Rectum | Human | 3 | MR, CT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-SARC | Sarcomas | Chest-Abdomen-Pelvis, Leg, TSpine | Human | 5 | CT, MR | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-STAD | Stomach Adenocarcinoma | Stomach | Human | 46 | CT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-THCA | Thyroid Cancer | Thyroid | Human | 6 | CT, PT | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
TCGA-UCEC | Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma | Uterus | Human | 65 | CT, PT, MR, CR | Clinical, Genomics, Histopathology | Public | Complete | 2020/05/29 |
PDMR-997537-175-T | Adenocarcinoma Colon | Colon | Mouse | 24 | SR, MR, Protocol | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/05/22 |
DRO-Toolkit | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 32 | CT, SEG, Segmentation | Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2020/04/09 |
QIN GBM Treatment Response | Glioblastoma Multiforme | Brain | Human | 54 | MR | | Limited | Complete | 2020/04/03 |
PDMR-292921-168-R | Adenocarcinoma Pancreas | Abdomen | Mouse | 20 | MR, SR, Protocol | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/03/23 |
LCTSC | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 60 | RTSTRUCT, CT | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2020/02/25 |
ACRIN-NSCLC-FDG-PET | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 242 | Demographic, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Measurement, Treatment, PT, CT, NM, MR, CR, DX, SC | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/02/11 |
ACRIN-FLT-Breast | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 83 | CT, PT, OT, Demographic, Follow-Up, Measurement | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/01/24 |
MIDRC-RICORD-1A | COVID-19 (non-cancer) | Lung | Human | 110 | CT, Measurement, Diagnosis, Demographic, Molecular Test | Clinical, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2020/01/14 |
QIN-BREAST | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 67 | CT, PT, MR, Classification | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2020/01/10 |
CT-ORG | Liver | Bladder, Bone, Brain, Kidney, Liver, Lung | Human | 140 | Segmentation, CT, Classification, Other | Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2020/01/09 |
AML-Cytomorphology_LMU | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | Blood | Human | 200 | Histopathology, Photomicrograph, Other, Classification | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2019/10/24 |
Post-NAT-BRCA | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 64 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Demographic, Follow-Up, Molecular Test, Treatment, Diagnosis | | Public | Complete | 2019/10/01 |
Pelvic-Reference-Data | Prostate, Anal | Pelvis, Prostate, Anus | Human | 58 | CT, Other, Measurement | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2019/09/13 |
PDMR-BL0293-F563 | Bladder Cancer | Bladder | Mouse | 19 | MR, Protocol | Clinical | Public | Complete | 2019/08/28 |
QIN-BRAIN-DSC-MRI | Low & High Grade Glioma | Brain | Human | 49 | MR | | Limited | Complete | 2019/08/28 |
SLN-Breast | Breast Cancer, Metastatic disease | Breast | Human | 78 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Classification | | Public | Complete | 2019/07/18 |
QIN-BREAST-02 | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 13 | MR, Demographic, Diagnosis, Molecular Test, Treatment, Follow-Up, Protocol | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2019/07/10 |
ACRIN-FMISO-Brain | Glioblastoma Multiforme | Brain | Human | 45 | MR, PT, CT, Demographic, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Measurement, Treatment | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2019/07/02 |
CC-Radiomics-Phantom-3 | Phantom | Head, Chest, Phantom | Phantom | 95 | RTSTRUCT, CT, Protocol, Other | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2019/05/08 |
Anti-PD-1_Lung | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 46 | PT, CT, SC | | Public | Complete | 2019/04/19 |
QIN Breast DCE-MRI | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 10 | MR, KO, Follow-Up, Diagnosis, Other | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2019/04/18 |
NSCLC-Cetuximab | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 490 | RTPLAN, CT, RTSTRUCT, RTDOSE | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2019/04/15 |
C-NMC 2019 | Leukemia | Blood, Bone | Human | 118 | Histopathology, Other | | Public | Complete | 2019/03/26 |
SN-AM | Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma | Blood, Bone | Human | 60 | Histopathology, Other | | Public | Complete | 2019/03/26 |
MiMM_SBILab | Multiple Myeloma | Bone | Human | 5 | Histopathology, Other | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2019/03/25 |
Osteosarcoma-Tumor-Assessment | Osteosarcoma | Bone | Human | 4 | Histopathology, Whole Slide Image, Classification, Measurement | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2019/03/22 |
VICTRE | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 2,994 | MG | Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2019/03/08 |
CC-Radiomics-Phantom-2 | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 251 | CT | | Public | Complete | 2019/02/27 |
ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain | Glioblastoma Multiforme | Brain | Human | 123 | MR, CT, Demographic, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Measurement | Clinical | Limited | Complete | 2019/02/07 |
HNSCC-3DCT-RT | Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Head-Neck | Human | 31 | CT, RTSTRUCT, RTDOSE, Demographic, Diagnosis, Treatment, Measurement, Follow-Up | Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2019/02/06 |
Anti-PD-1_MELANOMA | Melanoma | Skin | Human | 47 | MR, CT, PT | | Limited | Complete | 2018/07/30 |
Lung-Fused-CT-Pathology | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 6 | CT, SEG, Histopathology, Demographic, Measurement, Other | Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2018/07/30 |
MRI-DIR | Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Head-Neck, Phantom | Phantom | 9 | MR, RTSTRUCT, CT, Measurement | Image Registrations | Public | Complete | 2018/06/30 |
Head-Neck-PET-CT | Head and Neck Cancer | Head-Neck | Human | 298 | Other, REG, RTSTRUCT, CT, RTDOSE, RTPLAN, PT, Demographic, Diagnosis, Follow-Up, Treatment | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Limited | Complete | 2018/06/07 |
Brain-Tumor-Progression | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 20 | MR | Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2018/01/31 |
CBIS-DDSM | Breast Cancer, Non-Cancer | Breast | Human | 1,566 | MG, Classification, Radiomic Feature | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2017/09/14 |
Phantom FDA | Phantom | Lung Phantom | Human | 7 | CT | | Public | Complete | 2017/08/30 |
QIN LUNG CT | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 47 | CT | | Public | Complete | 2017/07/31 |
CC-Radiomics-Phantom | Phantom | Lung Phantom | Human | 17 | CT, RTSTRUCT | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2017/07/28 |
Mouse-Astrocytoma | Glioblastoma Multiforme | Head | Mouse | 48 | MR | | Public | Complete | 2017/03/21 |
IvyGAP | Glioblastoma | Brain | Human | 39 | MR | Clinical, Genomics | Limited | Complete | 2016/12/30 |
4D-Lung | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 20 | CT, RTSTRUCT | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2016/10/19 |
ISPY1 | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 222 | MR, SEG, Demographic, Molecular Test, Follow-Up, Classification | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2016/09/28 |
SPIE-AAPM Lung CT Challenge | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 70 | CT, Diagnosis, Measurement | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2016/09/23 |
RIDER Lung PET-CT | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 244 | PT, CT | | Public | Complete | 2015/12/29 |
NRG-1308 | Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 12 | CT, RTDOSE, RTPLAN, RTSTRUCT | Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2015/09/14 |
Soft-tissue-Sarcoma | Soft-tissue Sarcoma | Extremities | Human | 51 | CT, RTSTRUCT, PT, MR, Follow-Up, Treatment, Demographic, Diagnosis, Classification | Clinical, Image Analyses, Software/Source Code | Public | Complete | 2015/06/01 |
Mouse-Mammary | Breast Cancer | Abdomen | Mouse | 32 | MR | | Public | Complete | 2015/03/18 |
RIDER PHANTOM PET-CT | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 20 | PT, CT, Measurement, Protocol | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2015/01/26 |
LungCT-Diagnosis | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 61 | CT, Other, Radiomic Feature, Demographic, Diagnosis | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2014/12/30 |
QIN PET Phantom | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 2 | PT | | Public | Complete | 2014/09/04 |
QIN-SARCOMA | Sarcomas | Breast, Calf, Chest, Elbow, Knee, Leg, Shoulder, Thigh | Human | 15 | MR | | Limited | Complete | 2014/09/04 |
NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics | Lung Cancer | Lung | Human | 89 | CT, Demographic, Measurement, Diagnosis, Molecular Test | Clinical, Genomics, Microarray | Public | Complete | 2014/07/02 |
QIN PROSTATE | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 22 | MR | | Limited | Complete | 2014/07/02 |
CT COLONOGRAPHY | Colon Cancer | Colon | Human | 825 | CT, Measurement, Classification, Diagnosis | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2013/11/15 |
Head-Neck Cetuximab | Head and Neck Carcinomas | Head-Neck | Human | 111 | PT, CT, RTDOSE, RTPLAN, RTSTRUCT, Protocol | Image Analyses | Limited | Complete | 2013/11/14 |
Prostate-3T | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 64 | MR, Segmentation | Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2013/05/31 |
NaF PROSTATE | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 9 | PT, CT | | Public | Complete | 2013/04/23 |
QIBA CT-1C | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 1 | CT, PR, SEG, SR | | Public | Complete | 2011/11/28 |
BREAST-DIAGNOSIS | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 88 | MR, CT, PT, MG, Diagnosis, Molecular Test, Demographic, Pathology Detail, Radiomic Feature, Measurement | Clinical, Image Analyses | Public | Complete | 2011/11/09 |
RIDER PHANTOM MRI | Phantom | Phantom | Human | 10 | MR, Measurement, Protocol, Other | | Public | Complete | 2011/11/09 |
RIDER Breast MRI | Breast Cancer | Breast | Human | 5 | MR | | Public | Complete | 2011/11/08 |
RIDER NEURO MRI | Brain Cancer | Brain | Human | 19 | MR | | Limited | Complete | 2011/11/08 |
PROSTATE-MRI | Prostate Cancer | Prostate | Human | 26 | MR, Histopathology | | Public | Complete | 2011/06/30 |