This collection of soft-tissue sarcoma dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI data contains images from a longitudinal study to assess soft-tissue sarcoma response to preoperative chemoradiation treatment. Images were acquired at three time points: prior to the start of treatment (Visit 1, V1), after the first cycle of chemotherapy (Visit 2, V2), and after ~ 8 more weeks of chemoradiation (prior to surgery) (Visit 3,...
This is a dataset with multiparametric prostate MRI applied in a test-retest setting, allowing to evaluate repeatability of the MRI-based measurements in the prostate. There is very limited data about the repeatability in mpMRI of the prostate, while such information is critical for establishing technical characteristics of mpMRI as imaging biomarker of prostate cancer.
Data was provided by the Brigham and...
This collection contains multiparametric MRI images collected for the purposes of detection and/or staging of prostate cancer. The MRI parameters include T1- and T2-weighted sequences as well as Diffusion Weighted and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI. The images were obtained using endorectal and phased array surface coils at 3.0T (GE Signa HDx 15.0) The value of this collection is to provide clinical image data for the...
This collection consists of positron emission tomography (PET) phantom scans originally utilized by the Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) PET Segmentation Challenge to assess the variability of segmentations and subsequently derived quantitative analysis results on phantom PET scans with known ground truth.The phantom was provided by Dr. Sunderland at the University of Iowa (supported by grant R01CA169072 - Harmonized...
The Computed tomography (CT) Image data was obtained on patients diagnosed with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) with mixed stage & histology from the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute. Scans were obtained from patients who underwent surgical resection and had corresponding pre-surgery diagnostic CTs. The scans were de-identified following HIPAA guidelines to protect patient privacy. The data...
This collection is a set of head and neck cancer patients' multiple positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) 18F-FDG scans–before and after therapy–with follow up scans where clinically indicated. The data was provided to help facilitate research activities of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN). This collection was supported by Grants: U24 CA180918 (
This collection contains “double baseline” multi-parametric MRI images collected on patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. The value of this collection is to provide clinical image data to establish the test-retest characteristics of parameters calculated from DW-MRI, DCE-MRI, and DSC-MRI such as ADC, Ktrans and rCBV. Data were provided by Dr. Elizabeth Gerstner and Dr. Kalpathy-Cramer (MGH) as part of their...
This data is from a multi-site, multi-parametric quantitative MRI study of adult (18+ years old) females diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Subjects all had a lesion size >1cm in longest dimension and were undergoing neoadjuvant therapy. Participants were scanned prior to any therapy and then 2-3 times after the initiation of neoadjuvant therapy, depending upon their treatment regimen. All data sets were...
The QIBA CT-1C phantom collection was designed and shared to assist in Characterizing Variability, sans Biology. This data set was contributed by RSNA's Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance activity, Volumetric CT Group 1C. Multiple image sets of the same phantoms...

This database contains a collection of three sets of CT scan images acquired from an anthropomorphic abdominal phantom with removable liver inserts. The anthropomorphic phantoms were designed by a group of scientists from FDA and Columbia University Medical Center and custom manufactured by QRM (Moehrendorf, Germany).
Data sets #1 (AP phantom) & #2 (PVP phantom): Two liver inserts, each containing 19 embedded synthetic...