The following new features are now available in the NBIA software that powers our TCIA Radiology Portal.
- We’ve redesigned the Search tab and removed the Text Search. Search criteria are now grouped into three categories of filters, General, Patients, and Images. We added several new filters:
- General > Identifiers: Previously, you could input a list of Patient IDs, but we’ve modified this to also support the options to paste a list of Study UIDs and Series UIDs.
- Patients > Patient Sex
- Patients > Patients Age
- Patients > Number of DICOM Studies: Replaces “At Least X Study UIDs” and provides an easy way to limit results to subjects that have multiple time points.
- Images > Image Description
- Images > Slice Thickness
- Images > Pixel Spacing
- We merged the graphics and charts and the table of search results into a single Result Charts pane. You can collapse the charts if you’d prefer not to see them.
- The following changes were made to the NBIA REST APIs:
- getPatient has a new, optional parameter, patientID.
- getSimpleSearchWithModalityAndBodyPartPaged has the following new, query parameters that support the new Simple Search features:
- ThirdPartyAnalysisCriteria
- ExcludeCommercialCriteria
- StudyCriteria
- SeriesCriteria
- PatientSexCriteria
- PatientAgeRangeCriteria
- DescriptionCriteria
- SliceThicknessRangeCriteria
- PixelSpacingRangeCriteria