DOI: 10.7937/jc8x-9874 | Analysis Result

This dataset includes brain MRI scans of adult brain glioma patients, comprising of 4 structural modalities (i.e., T1, T1c, T2, T2-FLAIR) and associated manually generated ground truth labels for each tumor sub-region (enhancement, necrosis, edema), as well as their MGMT promoter methylation status. These scans are a collection of data from existing TCIA collections, but also cases provided by individual institutions...

This dataset includes brain MRI scans of adult brain glioma […]


DOI: 10.7937/K9/TCIA.2014..UA0JGPDG | Analysis Result

This data applies a radiomic approach to computed tomography data of 1,019 patients with lung or head-and-neck cancer which are described in Nature Communications (  The various arms of the study are represented in TCIA as distinct Collections including NSCLC-Radiomics (Lung1), 

[…] head-and-neck cancer which are described in Nature Communications (  The […]


DOI: 10.7937/K9/TCIA.2014.IIRMBUNX | Analysis Result


To investigate associations between breast cancer molecular subtype and semiautomatically extracted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features.

Materials and Methods

Imaging and genomic data from the Cancer Genome Atlas and the Cancer Imaging Archive for 48 patients with breast cancer from four institutions in the United States were used in this institutional review board approval-exempt study....

[…] background parenchyma. (c) RSNA, 2014 Online supplemental material is available […]

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DOI: 10.7937/v8h6-bg25 | Image Collection

Background: Pediatric tumors of the central nervous system are the leading cause of cancer-related death among children. High-grade gliomas (HGGs) in children have a five-year survival rate of less than 20%. Due to their rarity, diagnosis is often delayed, treatment strategies rely on historical protocols, and clinical trials necessitate collaboration across multiple institutions.

Summary: The...

The follow ing external resources have been made available by […]


DOI: 10.7937/tcia.2019.tt7f4v7o | Image Collection

This dataset consists of 140 computed tomography (CT) scans, each with five organs labeled in 3D: lung, bones, liver, kidneys and bladder. The brain is also labeled on the minority of scans which show it.

Patients were included based on the presence of lesions in one or more of the labeled organs. Most of the images exhibit liver lesions, both benign and malignant. Some also exhibit metastatic disease in other...

[…] each with five organs labeled in 3D: lung, bones, liver, […]


DOI: 10.7937/K9/TCIA.2016.7O02S9CY | Image Collection

This CBIS-DDSM (Curated Breast Imaging Subset of DDSM) is an updated and standardized version of the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM).  The DDSM is a database of 2,620 scanned film mammography studies. It contains normal, benign, and malignant cases with verified pathology information. The scale of the database...

[…] malignant cases with verified pathology information. The scale of the […]


DOI: 10.7937/K9/TCIA.2015.L4FRET6Z | Image Collection

This collection contains images from 89 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients that were treated with surgery. For these patients pretreatment CT scans, gene expression, and clinical data are available. This dataset refers to the Lung3 dataset of the study published in Nature Communications.

 In short, this publication...

Summary This collection conta ins images from 89 non-small cell […]