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TCIA hosts high quality imaging data sets from pediatric cancers as part of its support of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) goal to “build a community of pediatric cancer researchers, advocates, families, hospitals, and networks committed to sharing data to improve treatments, quality of life, and survivorship of every child with cancer.”  It is hoped that the availability of these datasets will help advance the knowledge of pediatric oncology for better patient outcomes.

These datasets include patients from the NCI Clinical Trial Network  Children’s Oncology Group clinical trials, to which tumor annotations are being generated and published.  Each annotation dataset includes radiologist-reviewed 3D tumor segmentations and seed points identifying the tumors, with volume calculations included for each segmented tumor.  Additional community-submitted pediatric datasets are also included in the table below.

Further information about these datasets can be found in the TCIA section of the CCDI Data Catalog.

Imaging CollectionDate PublishedImage Annotations
MR imaging of pediatric subjects with high-grade gliomas (DFCI-BCH-BWH-PEDs-HGG)2024/07/16Segmentations will be released as part of a future publication from the BRATS-PEDs organizers.
Radiation Therapy, Amifostine, and Chemotherapy in Treating Young Patients With Newly Diagnosed Nasopharyngeal Cancer (ARAR0331)2022/10/21Tumor segmentations and seed points*
Combination Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Treating Young Patients With Newly Diagnosed Hodgkin Lymphoma (AHOD0831)2022/06/08Tumor segmentations and seed points*
Vincristine, Dactinomycin, and Doxorubicin With or Without Radiation Therapy or Observation Only in Treating Younger Patients Who Are Undergoing Surgery for Newly Diagnosed Stage I, Stage II, or Stage III Wilms' Tumor (AREN0532)2022/03/31Tumor segmentations and seed points*
Combination Chemotherapy With or Without Radiation Therapy in Treating Young Patients With Newly Diagnosed Stage III or Stage IV Wilms Tumor (AREN0533)2022/01/20Tumor segmentations and seed points*
Pediatric Chest/Abdomen/Pelvic CT Exams with Expert Organ Contours (Pediatric-CT-SEG)2021/11/30Organ contours included in primary dataset
Combination Chemotherapy and Surgery in Treating Young Patients With Wilms Tumor (AREN0534)2021/11/09Tumor segmentations and seed points*
Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Treating Young Patients With Newly Diagnosed, Previously Untreated, High-Risk Medulloblastoma/PNET (ACNS0332)2021/05/04Tumor segmentations and seed points*
Risk-Based Therapy in Treating Younger Patients With Newly Diagnosed Liver Cancer (AHEP0731)2021/03/30Tumor segmentations and seed points*

* This dataset was generated as part of an NCI/Cancer Imaging Program project to augment TCIA datasets with annotations that will improve their value for cancer researchers and AI developers.