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Cancer Moonshot Biobank (CMB) Imaging

The Cancer Moonshot Biobank is a National Cancer Institute initiative to support current and future investigations into drug resistance and sensitivity and other NCI-sponsored cancer research initiatives, with an aim of improving researchers’ understanding of cancer and how to intervene in cancer initiation and progression. During the course of this study, biospecimens (blood and tissue removed during medical procedures) and associated data will be collected longitudinally from at least 1000 patients (across at least 10 cancer types), who are receiving standard of care cancer treatment at multiple NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) sites. De-identified radiology and histopathology images collected from Biobank patients will be made available on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) and associated genomic, phenotypic and clinical data will be hosted by the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) and other NCI databases.

Biobank Imaging Collections

Cancer Moonshot Biobank (CMB) imaging data is being made available on a release schedule that is coordinated with the CMB program releases of clinical and genomic data.

Learn more about each cancer type by clicking on the collection names in the table below.  Data currently available is listed below. Clicking on the number of subjects will take you to these data portals with that particular cancer type pre-selected.  You can access the radiology and pathology data directly from the respective data portals.

CollectionCancer TypeRadiology ModalitiesRadiology SubjectsPathology Subjects
CMB-AMLAcute Myeloid Leukemia CancerCT, MR, XA49
CMB-BRCAInvasive Breast Carcinoma CancerCT126
CMB-CRCColorectal CancerCT, DX, MR, NM, PT, US, XA3354
CMB-GECGastroesophageal CancerCT, MR, PT512
CMB-LCALung CancerCT, DX, MR, NM, PT, US3296
CMB-MELMelanomaCT, MR, PT, US2948
CMB-MMLMultiple MyelomaCR, CT, DX, MR, PT, XA3689
CMB-OVOvarian Carcinoma Cancer14
CMB-PCAProstate CancerCT, DX, MR, NM, PT, RF1030

Corresponding Genomic, Phenotypic, and Clinical Data

The other data types will be hosted in separate tools and databases including:

  1. dbGaP Biobank Study Report Page